Tour - Conference Room (Bridge)

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There are several meeting spaces aboard Vesta-class starships including conference rooms, briefing rooms, meeting rooms, and viewing lounges. This particular conference room is reserved for bridge officers and members of the senior staff.

Additional Information

Location Deck 5
Description The conference room aboard the Vesta is located on deck five. There are two doors granting access to the room, both of which lead out into corridors on that deck. It is only a short walk from there to the main bridge.

A single large conference table takes up most of the space, matching the curvature of the room. This table provides seating and computer access for up to ten individuals at a time. It is often where members of the senior staff will gather for briefings or step away for private conversation.

Two display screens and two replicators are located one at either end of the room adjacent to the doors.

Primary computer access is provided by a large computer terminal which takes up nearly the entire forward bulkhead. When not in use, this terminal remains hidden behind a holographic projection which features full golden models of famous exploratory vessels from Federation and pre-Federation history. Holographic imaging systems also project a series of seven artificial viewports along the aft bulkhead using telemetry from the ship's aft visual sensors. These "viewports" span from close to the floor to up along the angled ceiling.
Image Credit(s) "USS Odyssey – Observation Lounge/Conference Room" created by bobye2.
"Sovereign observation lounge (2379)" obtained from Memory Alpha.
"Sovereign observation lounge" obtained from Memory Alpha.
"ship-wall-nemesis-2.jpg" obtained from ex-astris-scientia.