Pegasus Fleet Resources Links Page

Created by Captain Aviram Drell on Tue Aug 6th, 2019 @ 1:24am

Pegasus Fleet IFS

    The primary website of Pegasus Fleet. Pegasus Fleet seeks to provide a positive, creative and challenging environment for members to write about the Star Trek universe, whilst being both safe and enjoyable for all.
Pegasus Fleet Forums
    A place for members of and visitors to the Pegasus Fleet community to discuss matters about the fleet, Star Trek, and beyond.
Pegasus Fleet Wiki
    The Pegasus Fleet Wiki is designed as an informative database usable by any member of the fleet, or indeed the online simming community.
Pegasus Fleet Discord
    A place for members of and visitors to the Pegasus Fleet community to interact in real-time. More information about the Pegasus Fleet Discord channel can be found here.

Updated: 08/05/2019

Categories: Other Resources