Welcome to the USS Vesta!

"The simple hearth is the true center of our universe." - Masanobu Fukuoka
Welcome to the USS Vesta.
The year is 2395. In the past half-century, the Federation has experienced more profound changes than it has at almost any other point in its two-hundred-and-thirty year history. There have been challenges along the way. However, Federation policy makers hope to once again look outward toward scientific exploration and diplomatic cooperation, to be a stabilizing presence as the dawn of a new century draws near.
The USS Vesta, a Vesta-class vessel under the command of Captain Aviram Drell, was designed for that very purpose. Having been created with the very best that Starfleet has to offer, the Vesta has already made her mark on history. Her continuing mission: to explore, to forge new relationships, and to carry the torch, lighting the way for those who follow.
Latest News Items
» New Chief Engineer - Lieutenant Commander Renee Salchin
Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2019 @ 5:01am by Captain Aviram Drell in Sim Announcement
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Lieutenant Commander Renee Salchin to the USS Vesta! The commander joins us as chief engineering officer. Check out the commander's bio to learn more about her.
Welcome aboard, commander! We look forward to writing with you.
Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
» USS Vesta Monthly Report - October 2019
Posted on Fri Nov 1st, 2019 @ 4:06pm by Captain Aviram Drell in Sim Announcement
I cannot begin to say how pleased I am with the way our members are connecting with one another both in- and out-of-character. Their respect for each other, for their characters, and for the ideas they each bring to the table has made our storytelling together a much more enjoyable experience for everyone. This is perhaps most evident in the relative number and overall quality of joint mission posts that are being written on our sim. It seems clear this is where our current group of writers really shine.
That said, our progress has continued to be slow, but steady as we moved into our new episode this month. I'm sure there are some who would argue our post counts could be higher, however, the quality of our engagement has consistently been good. We currently have three joint mission posts actively being worked on that are helping move the primary mission plot forward. Where I think we can stand to grow is in the area of side plots and secondary storylines. It is my hope that, over the next couple of months, we will be able to encourage folks in this kind of development.
Another area of growth for our sim is recruitment. Commander Zachary, our executive officer, has been an invaluable resource in this regard. Not only is she a strong post writer, she also makes a point of reaching out to new players and helping build our community, efforts which have really helped solidify our current team of writers. We did, regretfully, lose a player this month to general inactivity. However, we were able to welcome two new folks to our team - Lieutenant Wendell and Colonel Mr'isarr. I am looking forward to the perspectives and ideas they will contribute to our shared storytelling moving forward.
This month's nomination for Pegasus Fleet's Post of the Month is "Well, That Escalated Quickly" by Commander Temperance Zachary, Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, Lieutenant Ibem Zehl, & Ensign Naloh. You can read the post by clicking here.
Thank you all for your hard work this month!
Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
» New Marine Detachment Commanding Officer - Colonel Mr'isarr
Posted on Thu Oct 31st, 2019 @ 3:47pm by Captain Aviram Drell in Sim Announcement
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Colonel Mr'isarr to the USS Vesta! The colonel joins us as marine detachment commanding officer. Check out the colonel's bio to learn more about him.
Welcome aboard, colonel! We look forward to writing with you.
Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
» New Deputy Chief Science Officer - Lieutenant Luther Wendell
Posted on Fri Oct 25th, 2019 @ 3:44am by Captain Aviram Drell in Sim Announcement
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Lieutenant Luther Wendell to the USS Vesta! The lieutenant joins us as deputy chief of the Science department. Check out the lieutenant’s bio to learn more about him.
Welcome aboard, lieutenant! We look forward to writing with you.
Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
» USS Vesta Monthly Report - September 2019
Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 @ 3:40am by Captain Aviram Drell in Sim Announcement
It has been a busy month for many of our players. Despite this, we managed to complete eight mission posts and make the transition to our next episode, "Samaritan". We are looking forward to exploring this story more deeply as we move into October.
In addition to these activities, the command staff has been reaching out on a case-by-case basis to individuals who have expressed some interest in the sim. These conversations are ongoing.
This month's nomination for Pegasus Fleet's Post of the Month is "A Camel Walks Into The XO's Office... No, Really!" by Commander Temperance Zachary & Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, 3rd Tribe of Bon-Hwa. You can read the post by clicking here.
Thank you all for your hard work this month!
Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)
Latest Mission Posts
» Situational Resolution
Mission: Episode 07: “The Koldaran Encounter”
Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 6:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale
The battle in the atmosphere above the planet had taken an interesting turn. From seemingly out of nowhere the USS Vesta had joined the battle, placing itself between the Koldaran orbital forces and shielding the battered Pennsylvania. Her superior tactical loadout zeroed in on the aggressor, and now the predator…
» Comms Strike Resolution
Mission: Episode 07: “The Koldaran Encounter”
Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 6:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale
The ridgeline over-looking the site was - should have been, Henry corrected himself - far enough away to witness the detonation, but not get caught by the blast. Once inside the encampment, it had been a simple task to tag the emitters, and get out of harms way.
“Castle to…
» Help Arrives - In Space
Mission: Episode 07: “The Koldaran Encounter”
Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 6:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale
“They’re going after the Penn…”
“Helm, bring us about,” Valek barked, doing his best not to let the fear come through in his voice, “put us between those fighters and the Pennsylvania…now! Tactical, let’s see if we can’t get their attention…”
A flurry of verbal responses came back to him…
» Point of View: The Dalacari
Mission: Episode 07: “The Koldaran Encounter”
Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2022 @ 6:48am by Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale
Clean, sterile white and blue walls. Curved edges and soft textures. Standing near a massive door were two humanoid drone units. Robotic constructs built to serve. The door between them irises open to allow four figures to enter into the massive bay. Dressed in loose, comfortable uniforms of blues and…
» Point of View: The Ts'usugi
Mission: Episode 07: “The Koldaran Encounter”
Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2022 @ 6:46am by Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale
The fighterbay was a flurry of activity. Technicians were running final checks on their assigned craft, while the pilots had suited up and were simply waiting for the call. All eyes glanced at the yellow light over the main hangar doors, and the countdown that was ticking away. Time until…
Latest Personal Logs
» Captain's Log - Stardate 70636.3
Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2019 @ 4:57am by Captain Aviram Drell
||Mission 01 (Vestral Hearth), Day 01, 0620 Hours
||Ready Room, USS Vesta
Captain's log, stardate 70636.3. We arrived at Starbase Montgomery late yesterday. The primary purpose of our visit is to take on personnel and supplies, though I have also decided to grant a few day's shoreleave to the crew.…