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Mistaken Identity

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2020 @ 5:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Batu Ra-Ejine MD

Mission: Episode 04: "Tempest"
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day 1 at 0000

Even though she wasn't meant to start her duty shift for another hour or so, Harlow had decided to go in early to finish unpacking the deliveries that had come in late the previous day. Mr'isarr had been called in early, something about a meeting, it sounded important and she had opted not to pry, so sickbay seemed a better choice rather than rattling around her empty quarters alone.

Stepping through the doors, the sight of the tall Efrosian walking across the main waiting area caught her by surprise. "Are you looking for someone? Did you need a doctor?" she asked quietly.

Having spent his first night aboard the Vesta the decision was made to wake up and go to the sickbay and do an inventory of supplies. Batu was impressed by the size of the sickbay aboard the vessel, he hadn't seen anything so large since his time on Starbase 84. And thankfully the night watch nurse who he had run into, a Vulcan female named T'mal was more than proficient in assisting him.

He had just finished taking inventory in the laboratories and was more walking across the main entrance across the way to the hospital wing. Upon hearing someone call out asking about someone looking for a doctor the Efrosian paused and turned around to look in the reception area for a potential patient. Instead, he only found a rather small purple-haired officer. Now why did she look so familiar? Suddenly it dawned on him and he snapped his fingers together and walked right over to Harlow. “You must be Doctor Launceston. My name is Doctor Ra-Ejine, the new chief medical officer. How do you do?” His voice was more melodic than many would think, rich and silvery as he spoke and before she realized a hand was extended out towards her.

"Harlow," she said quietly. "Harlow Launceston, if it's all the same, I prefer my name, or if you must, my rank." A momentarily horrified expression crossed her face as she realised she'd basically spoken out of turn, and she recalled what it was Crewman Aevin had said about the new CMO looking cross. "Sorry, I mean, with all due respect Sir."

“Oh no, that’s perfectly fine with me Ms. Harlow. I can understand why it’s a very unique and lovely name.” Smiling warmly at her to show he took no offense to what had been said he still held out his hand to her. He was beginning to wonder if perhaps her species didn’t shake hands. In fact, what was her species? She was humanoid but very small and almost frail-looking. “When I was going over all the personnel files I understood you’ve been quite essential in helping keep the medical bay running in the absence of a cmo. I am quite impressed.”

Taking his hand, she shook it momentarily. "We've all done our part," she said easily. "Thankfully the crew is healthy and for the most part, we've avoided catastrophe of any medical nature. Have you had a chance to look around and find everything okay? We handled inventory intake right before we left Starbase, the final requisitions are on your desk waiting for you to sign off on them and transmit back to Starbase. Zerin double-checked my numbers for me as we were unpacking. I also put in a maintenance request for the biobed in iso two yesterday. I noticed when I was running my checks that the self-clean feature seems to have a glitch. It only gets partway through the cycle and then it skips to the end and marks itself as cleaned. I've made a note on the sickbay systems that iso two shouldn't be used until it's resolved."

Batu flushed for a moment and looked down to the PaDD hiding in his lab coat pocket before he looked back up and ran his hand through his hair with a sheepish grin. "You know, it would have helped if the lovely nurse from the night watch had told me that. I initiated an inventory count myself early this morning so I could see where we were at. I suppose I was a little over-zealous." Chuckling he relaxed some and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked around. "I really appreciate you being so active about things. And it's good to know we're down a bed. If operations doesn't have it fixed today I'll give them a ring personally to see what we can do about expediting its repair. I don't ever want us down a bed. Especially from isolation or ICU even. But what I'd really like to know is what can I do for you? What have you been needing? Or wanting around here?"

Harlow shook her head slightly. "I can't think of anything. Captain Drell has been very attentive to sickbay, as has Commander Zachary. Lieutenant Rolfe and I have stayed across inventory and for the most part Lieutenant Rolfe has worked with Commander Zachary for any rostering changes that have been needed. We may not have been the most proficient, but I'm sure you will be able to correct any shortcomings you may find now that you're here."

"Why do you think I would find shortcomings Harlow? As far as I've heard everything seems to be fine with the medical bay at this time." Batu wasn't quite sure why the woman seemed so apprehensive, maybe even standoffish. Looking over to his office, he began to wonder if maybe there was some resentment over the role going to someone externally and not internally.

"So there is nothing you need? And I'm not talking supplies. I mean do you need anything on a professional level for yourself? Work towards the next step in leadership, support in continuing education towards expanding your knowledge for a secondary skillset? I'm not here just to focus on the patients. I want to her invested in all of you too. And that's not some stale leader speech either."

Harlow paused, completely taken by surprise. "I don't know," she finally answered, aware of exactly how dumb that sounded. "I'm just a doctor, that's all. I never thought about anything else."

Batu eyed a medical bed and sat himself down on it with skilled ease and placed his hands in his lap as he listened. "You're more than just a doctor. I'm more than just a doctor, we all have dreams and ambitions. Is there any programs or initiatives you want to run on the ship? Engage in medical research with the labs or broaden out your skills?"Basti reached into his lab cost pocket and removed the PaDD he had there and canceled his inventory count, thankful one had already been done as mentioned earlier.

"You know. I have training in xenovirology and xenobiology. That gave me a chance to serve aboard a Corps of Engineers ship for my last posting. I saw some incredible things and learned a lot too. My point is though you have to decide what you want for yourself in order to get there. I'll gladly help you."

"Thank you Sir, I'll keep that in mind," Harlow said with a smile. "Is there anything else you need from me before the day starts? I like to review our appointments for the day. Where ever possible I try and make sure that I assign patients to the same doctor. I think continuity of care is important, and I want to make sure all my test results are recorded before people arrive."

Nodding in agreement with her, he motioned to his office and then pushed himself up from the biobed. "I think I am set. Let's go take a look at the schedule and you can show me your process. I don't want to disturb the status quo as it were. And thank you for filling me in Ms. Harlow. I'm quite looking forward to our adventures together."

Motioning toward his office, Harlow started walking, offering a small smile at his words before she replied. "As am I Commander. Welcome to the Vesta."


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