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Good Morning Starshine!

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2020 @ 10:11pm by Commander Temperance Zachary & Captain Aviram Drell

Mission: Episode 04: "Tempest"
Location: Ready Room, USS Vesta
Timeline: Day 1 at 0000

ON: [[Ready Room, USS Vesta, Mission Day 01, TBD Hours]]

Down time was over and Temperance was back on the Vesta, back in uniform and back on duty. The time off had been nice, but she was glad to be back. Despite the ability to get back to nature, it had proved to be lonely. The down side, she supposed, of not having had the time to really make friends on the ship so far.

Still, there was no point dwelling on those negatives. There was work to be done, and with the change in crew, the ship being resupplied, and everything else going on, she had little time to waste on frivolous indulgences. She needed to focus. First things first, she had to meet with the Captain to finalise the new changeovers, then she could get on with everything else.

Pausing outside the ready room, she straightened her jacket and held the PaDD tightly to her chest before she hit the chime, stepping through the doors once she was granted admittance, smiling politely. "Good Morning Captain, I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"You're early," Drell observed. Ever since Zachary had come aboard, the two of them had gotten in the habit of getting together quite regularly, both to discuss the ship's business and to make sure neither of them were getting overwhelmed. It had originally been intended just as a way to keep in touch with one another, but had grown into more of a familiar routine as they'd gotten to know each other better.

"I couldn't sleep," Temperance replied with a smile as she moved toward the small table and set her PaDD down, moving around him with ease to order their drinks from the replicator, carrying them back to the table.

Drell smiled. "You're fine," he assured her, setting out two small bowls of cut fruit, one at each of the place settings, "I take it you enjoyed your leave?"

"It was nice to get off the ship for a bit," Temperance picked up her glass of water and took a sip as she waited for him. "But it's always nice to come home again, and I missed my routine, things like this," she smiled as she motioned to the table between them. "It was good to be here to meet some of the new crew though. How about you? Leave packed with action, adventure and excitement?"

"Nothing so grandiose, I'm afraid." Indeed, Drell had always been rather intentional about taking his leave. He'd especially wanted to make sure with this one that he'd spent time actually relaxing and unwinding from their most recent assignment. Yet, even with the best intentions, it hadn't been easy. There were plenty of things that demanded his attention and people who (unknowingly) tried to draw him back into work. Still, he hadn't gotten this far in life or his career without knowing how to draw good boundaries for himself. "A few days on retreat along the north shore was enough for me," he said.

"Sometimes that's all we need," Temperance replied with a smile. "It is good to be back though, and I have to admit, I do find myself looking forward to whatever Starfleet intends to throw our way next. Any word on where we'll be heading?"

Drell's smile faded a little. "I'm afraid the answer to that is rather...complicated," he told her. To be completely honest, Drell had been hoping to receive another exploratory assignment. Being out in deep space could be trying at times, no doubt, and it made life more challenging for those whose families and loved ones were waiting back home. But it also gave both the ship as well as the crew the opportunity to play to their strengths.

Unfortunately, as was so often the case, circumstances beyond their control had intervened. "Almost six years ago, the Cardassian Justice Commission and the Cardassian Assembly began an investigation into the crimes committed during the Occupation of Bajor," Drell explained, "The goal of this task, as I understand it, has been to create a sense of openness and transparency by bringing some manner of justice for what happened."

"Much needed," Temperance replied quietly. "There have been several cases brought to light, but I'm not sure any good has actually come from them."

Drell did not disagree. Since the end of the Dominion War, they'd seen a profound change within Cardassian society, one that seemed to promise a brighter future. He certainly had been pleased with what the Cardassians had accomplished thus far and he held out hope that trend would continue. At the same time, he was also aware each subsequent arrest and trial had the potential to either build up or tear down people's confidence in the process. Only time would tell whether this journey to the past would lead to healing...or the reopening of old wounds.

"I take it that's the basis for our next mission?" Temperance asked, spearing a piece of fruit and raising it to her lips.

"To make a long story short," Drell continued, "We've been ordered to proceed to a star system near the Tholian border. Starfleet has reason to believe a person of interest in this investigation may be operating in the area."

"I assume our orders are to find him and return him so he can stand trial for his crimes?" Temperance asked as she finished chewing. "Do we have any idea what his crimes are?"

Drell did not say anything right away and it was clear, even to the casual observer, that his thoughts were no longer entirely in the present. He lifted his glass to his mouth, took a sip, and then returned it to its place. “People like this leave a deep mark,” he said slowly, his voice more subdued, “one that goes well beyond any explicit deeds they might have done. It gets passed from generation to generation, inflicting harm upon those who never would have known the original trauma. I’ve seen it...too many times...”

The El-Aurian’s voice trailed off as his mind continued to drift back. He had counseled a fair number of Bajorans in his career, many of whom had lived through the occupation and some who had not, but all of whom suffered from its lingering effects. It had been no different than any of the other countless individuals he’d journeyed with over the years. The trauma, abuse, and violence of living under military occupation always stayed with them a long, long time. They struggled every moment of every day just to get a scrap of what others took for granted as “normal”.

“ asked what he was being charged with...”

Temperance shook her head slightly. "I don't need to know specifics," she said gently. "We'll find him Captain," she reassured. There was a moment of silence as she looked down at the plates between them. "These strawberries are divine, are they fresh? They don't taste replicated..."

Even to the most casual observer her remarks were only designed to change the topic. "Same with the peaches."


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