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Morning Check-Up

Posted on Tue Aug 18th, 2020 @ 6:55am by Lieutenant Azur Vaer & Lieutenant Commander Batu Ra-Ejine MD

Mission: Episode 04: "Tempest"
Location: Primary Sickbay, USS Vesta
Timeline: Day 1 at 0745

ON: [[Primary Sickbay, USS Vesta, Mission Day 01, 0745 hours]]

Vaer entered the room at a brisk pace, travel bag still slung over his shoulder. This was not how he'd intended to make an impression his first day back. In a perfect world, he would have preferred to have arrived much earlier with enough time to settle in before the ship was to get underway. That's how the process was supposed to work. As it was, however, the transport he was supposed to have taken from Trill had been delayed...considerably. He'd only just arrived in the last twenty minutes and he hadn't even had time to drop his stuff off in his quarters.

"Excuse me," he said, addressing one of the technicians, "I'm here to confirm the transfer of my medical records."

Looking up from the desk in the reception area a young black-haired female petty officer looked up to the Trill pilot and eyed him carefully. "If you'll have a seat Sir I'll make sure one of our medical staff members is with you shortly."

Across the way next to the nurse's station Batu had been speaking with the section two nurse team, getting a chance to meet each of his primary team members. He was just wrapping up when he heard the technician speaking to the...yup a Trill, thank you optic sensors. "Nurse Crowe, would you join me?" Batu asked before he walked out into the reception area and intercepted Azur.

"Good morning, I'm Doctor Ra-Ejine, how can I be of service to you Lieutenant?" he asked with a smile on his face as Nurse Crowe made her way up next to him and joined him at his side.

The young Trill had barely taken a seat when he saw the two officers approaching. He quickly rose to his feet again and turned to face them. "Good morning, sir," he said, "I'm sorry for dropping by at the last minute, but I'm afraid I've only just come aboard. There was this whole thing with my transport and..." His voice trailed off as he realized they probably didn't need to hear the whole story. At least, not right then, anyway.

Vaer held out his hand, offering the doctor a small PADD. "A summary of my medical file," he told him, "I know they usually send these in advance, but with everything else that's happened during my transfer, I thought it best to bring a copy myself...just in case."

Watching the young officer stand up Batu listened to him go on about his transfer and realized he was new aboard the Vesta just as he was. The only difference at the moment was it seemed the Lieutenant was nervous. “Take a deep breath Lieutenant, you’re nervousness is working your heart rate.” he pointed out before gently accepting the PADD.

“Let’s see, Lieutenant Azur Vaer. Alright then, follow me and I’ll get you cleared personally. You know I just arrived yesterday myself. I must say, it’s an impressive ship.” The Doctor led both the pilot his nurse through the main entryway and back to the exam room. Once inside Nurse Crowe quickly went to work assembling an exam tray and bringing it over to Batu. “Please, take a seat on the bed Mr. Vaer. Tell me about yourself, hope long have you been in Starfleet? Were you born on Trill?”

"Uhh...about seven years," Vaer replied, "though I've been on medical leave the last couple."

That gave Batu pause. Just as he was about to pick up his tricorder he instead went back to the PADD he had been handed and transferred the data to the screen behind the exam bed. Scanning over the medical records his bushy eyebrows furrowed as he read about the last two years. "I know what this says but I want to hear what you have to say. An emergency joining is not child's play, physically or psychologically. How are you doing these days?"

"Good." It had taken Vaer a long time to reach the point where he could even say that, much less actually mean it. For several weeks after the joining, he'd felt confused and unsettled, as if he'd been a stranger in his own mind. Nothing had really prepared him for the experience of becoming one with the symbiont. Intensive therapy sessions with multiple counselors and regular exams with his attending physicians did help eventually, but the progress was slow at first and there were moments when it felt like he wasn't moving forward at all. By the time he finally left Trill to return to active duty, however, his condition had improved and he felt much more confident. "It takes some getting used to," he said, "but for the most part, I feel like things are going well."

"And is that the years of experience from Vaer speaking or Azur speaking?" the Doctor probed as he finally opened up his medical tricorder and began to run some scans on both the Symbiont and the Host. So far things were looking fine for the Lieutenant which was helpful as the last thing the Doctor wanted to do was sideline, someone, on his first day on the ship let alone their first day either. "You know I didn't mention it earlier but this is only my second day on the Vesta myself. I just transferred over from the Venera, was quite a ship. But much smaller than this one. I say we're both lucky to be here."

You're telling me, Vaer thought to himself.

Blinking, the Commander eyed Vaer as he choose to remain silent and say nothing. “I just need to get a blood sample and then we can have you on your way as long as you’re not having any issues you need to tell me about Lieutenant.” As Batu said this his Nurse prepared a hypospray for a blood sample and then handed it to the Doctor, taking the tricorder from him. Looking over some notes she eyed something and prepared a second hypospray for Batu. “He’s due for the Denebian Flu vaccine as well Doctor.”

Vaer sat patiently as the doctor and nurse went about collecting the sample. Honestly, it didn’t even phase him, really. When you’d been through as many batteries of medical tests and examinations as he had over the last few years, something as simple as a blood test or vaccination was (to use a human expression) “a piece of cake”.

Working with the two hyposprays Batu was able to get both the sample he needed and ensure the pilot was inoculated as required by Starfleet. The last thing he needed was someone getting sick and spreading a virus around the ship. Once it was all finished up he handed the two items over to his nurse and nodded to her. She took them both and set off to have the blood sample ran for the Doctor. Looking back over to Vaer now he offered a smile. "Well I have nothing more for you personally Lieutenant, why don't you go find the Quartermaster and get yourself settled in? And if there are any concerns with your blood work I'll let you know. But for now, you are cleared for duty."


Lieutenant Commander Ra-Ejine, MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vesta (NX-82601)

Lieutenant Azur Vaer
Deputy Chief Flight Operations Officer
USS Vesta (NX-82601)

Nurse Crowe
USS Vesta (NX-82601)


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