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Posted on Mon Nov 11th, 2019 @ 5:47am by Captain Aviram Drell & Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, 3rd Tribe of Bon-Hwa & Commander Temperance Zachary & Ensign Naloh
Edited on on Mon Nov 11th, 2019 @ 6:38am

Mission: Episode 02: "Samaritan"
Location: Main Bridge, USS Vesta
Timeline: Mission Day 01, 0838 Hours

ON: [[Main Bridge, USS Vesta, Mission Day 01, 0838 Hours]]

"Lieutenant Hafan, see if you can find out what vessels are in that area, and which one of them may be sending out the distress call." As soon as the order had been given, she sighed and leaned back in the command chair, making herself comfortable for the few minutes she would have left as she tapped her commbadge. "Captain Drell, I'm afraid you're required on the bridge."

After several moments of silence, with much tapping away at the panel, Hafan stopped and looked up. "One unidentified vessel. Energy signature not matching with anything." His head cocked to one side as he pondered the information being presented to him, and he looked down and went back to doing research on the information and looking for more clues.

Drell emerged onto the bridge. Truth be told, he hadn't anticipated his presence being required at this stage of the operation. From what he'd understood, the procedure itself was to have been relatively straight-forward, at least until they got closer to the Remnant. The fact that he'd been summoned was a pretty good indication something unexpected had come up.

"Report," Drell said, approaching the center of the room.

As soon as the doors had opened and the Captain had stepped onto the bridge, Temperance was on her feet, standing to the side of the command chair. "Sir," she said, clasping her hands behind her back. "One of the launched probes has picked up a distress call, though the audio message is fragmented at best. Lieutenant Hafan is trying to locate the source of the call now."

"Red alert."

At the El-Aurian's command, the entire atmosphere of the bridge changed. Klaxons sounded throughout the ship. Workstations suddenly came to life and began processing data. Defensive systems were brought online. Primary lighting reduced significantly and the room was bathed in the pulsating red glow of alert status indicators.


The overlay on the forward viewport shifted. Several of the smaller displays which had been showing sensor data of the Remnant disappeared. Others were pushed to the side, making space for a single view that took up a majority of the window's surface. A small object, presumably the source of the distress call, was visible at the very center of the image. Even at this distance, they could see some sort of energy distortion rippling along the object's hull.

"Analysis, Meh-zzz Hafan," Drell said, "How long until containment failure?"

Hafan's ears twitched at the sound of his name, his fingers spread wide enough to almost work the entire panel without having to move his hands too far. He relayed information from his panel to the main view screen, overlaying on the visual image of the damaged vessel as well as more secondary information to the side. It was obvious the computer was having trouble deciphering the situation with the unknown vessel. "Unknown style, construction, and energy pattern of vessel. Current estimation, less than a minute, still scanning." He replied as calmly as he would have asked for a drink of water.

As Drell assumed the Command chair, Temperance moved to one of the other stations, her own much smaller hands flying across the smooth surface. Less than a minute. Temperance drew in a sharp breath. "Whatever that distortion is, it could be affecting our sensors. I don't know, I've not seen anything like it. There may be lifesigns on board, it's...inconclusive. We're well out of transporter range and without knowing whatever that actually is, I don't know if we could risk transport anyway." She paused momentarily before looking at the Captain. "Sir?" she queried. "Your orders?"

Drell processed the information quickly. He knew these next moments would be critical.

"Meh-zzz Naloh," he said, turning toward the communications officer, "Contact the vessel and notify them we are responding to their distress call.

The Benzite hesitated. She'd been monitoring the transmission the entire time, but had been having trouble establishing a secure connection. Whoever was sending the distress call appeared to be using technology that was not on the same level as their own. Even without the added interference, Naloh knew it would have been difficult to match up the different systems. "I'm not sure they'll be able to receive our message, sir," she said.

"Understood," Drell replied calmly, "Transmit anyway."

He watched the young woman turn back toward her station. As soon as she set to work, Drell faced forward again and began addressing the flight control officer. "Move us to within transporter range, lieutenant."

"Aye, sir," the helmsman answered.

"Beam any occupants directly to sickbay."

"Aye Captain," Temperance replied, taking a moment to send a notification to sickbay to prepare for incoming casualties before bringing the transporters online and starting to scan for any lifesigns.

"Standby on shields, Meh-zzz Hafan," Drell added, "We don't want to be caught with our britches down."

Hafan grunted an acknowledgement more than said anything, his fingers still working the console trying to collect as much data as possible about the unknown ship in front of them.

"Sir, I can't get a transporter lock," Temperance said calmly, glancing toward the Captain. "I can see lifesigns, I know there are lifesigns there, but I can't find anything to lock onto."

Drell frowned. He knew they were running out of time. Not only did they need to find a way of rescuing whoever was aboard that ship, they also had to escape the blast radius before the core went critical. If containment failed while they were still too close, it would most certainly cause significant damage to the Vesta, not to mention threaten the safety of everyone aboard.

"Move us closer."

Temp blinked quickly as they came into range. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. The scattered life signs that she had been picking up merged into one strong and clear sign. Locking on to the bio signature, she transported the newcomer directly to sickbay.

"Transport complete Captain, one life sign transported directly to sickbay," she offered by way of explanation.

"Shields up, Meh-zzz Hafan," Drell ordered, "Helm, full impulse. Put some distance between us..."

The words were barely out of his mouth when it happened. A brilliant flash of light appeared somewhere within the alien vessel, followed almost immediately by a full-on matter/anti-matter explosion. Shockwaves rippled outward and slammed into the Vesta. A deep, metallic groan reverberated around them as the entire ship pitched forward...


Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, 3rd Tribe of Bon-Hwa
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant JG Sebastian Lockwood
Division Officer, Flight Control
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Ensign Naloh
Communications Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)


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