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Last Night He Had The Strangest Dream

Posted on Sun Mar 29th, 2020 @ 7:19pm by Captain Aviram Drell & Commander Temperance Zachary & Lieutenant JG Zerin Rolfe

Mission: Episode 02: "Samaritan"
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day 1 at 1605

ON: [[Sickbay, USS Vesta, Mission Day 01, 1605 Hours]]

Harlow was surprised to find that by the time they had emerged from the office, security was already waiting by the bed of their guest. She gave a small smile to the security officer whom she hadn't met yet. "We've notified Command that he's waking up," she spoke quietly. "I imagine they'll be here shortly."

"I am sure everyone is anxious to see if they can shed any light on our current situation." Phohl said looking at Harlow. "If any of the staff are in your way let me know. We don't want to interfere. We just want to get some answers."

True to her word, moments later the small room became a flurry of activity as more bodies joined them.

The presence of so many non-medical personnel was to be expected, especially given that they knew so little about their patient. Kas certainly understood both the curiosity and the desire for caution. Yet, he also knew that even the Vesta's large recovery ward could easily become rather crowded if they weren't careful. "If you wouldn't mind having your people stand over there, please, lieutenant," Kas said, nodding toward a spot a few feet further back, "I'd appreciate it. Thank you."

Zerin rounded the corner, his coat smoothly flowing around the corner behind him. He raised his eyebrows at the amount of people in sick bay. His eyes went to the vitals monitor, the patient, and then the time, his brain putting pieces together on speed of recovery. If their guess on his vitals were correct of course. The patient had seemed to respond well to the treatments they performed. He allowed himself to fall back the few centimeters to the wall, and crossed his arms. He would be there if needed, but it wasn't his show anymore.

"It's interesting," Harlow remarked quietly from her position at the end of the bed. "His physiology is so markedly similar to that of your run of the mill humanoid, but his regenerative abilities are really quite something else. I've never seen any individual with his healing capabilities."

"Quite remarkable, really," Kas observed as he studied the readouts, "I'm not seeing any sign of the minor injuries we recorded when the patient came in and several of the major injuries have responded much more readily to the treatment than I would have expected." The nurse offered him a PADD and he took it, glancing down to review the comparisons. "Take a look at this," he said, passing it to Launceston, "The rate of cellular regeneration has only gone down less than fifteen percent since the last surgery."

"The regeneration has been quite impressive," Rolfe remarked from his vantage point against the wall, his eyes rotating between vital screens, the patient, and the assembling crowd.

Harlow nodded again as she took the PaDD, taking a moment to scan through the details. "I've noticed that he seems to have quite a high pain tolerance threshold as well. I've treated a great many patients who wouldn't be able to go through even a quarter of what he has endured without much stronger analgesics. Though..." the diminutive purple haired doctor paused, as she contemplated. "I think he's aware of us," she said quietly. "I don't know, it's just..." She paused again, struggling to find the words to quantify her statement. "I think he's scared of us, I don't know, it's just a feeling I get when I look at him." She shook her head slightly. "Don't mind me, that's just silly talk. He's unconscious, I'm sure he's fine."

At that exact moment, Drell entered the room. He was followed closely by Zachary. They had been waiting for several hours through the surgery and post-op recovery for any sort of news or insight about their guest. After all, there were questions that needed answering if they were to help the pilot get home safely. Others were attempting to glean what information they could from scans and from the debris that had been collected, but a direct conversation was likely to shed more light on the matter. They had to be careful, though, not to push too hard. Otherwise they might overwhelm their guest and possibly make things worse.

"Status, doctor," the captain asked, approaching the patient's biobed.

Hearing no quick response, Zerin decided to pipe up first. "Well I guess I'm a Doctor, I can start," He said, not moving from his position against the wall. "We patched up John Doe, who has since that point been able to patch themselves up. Which leads to the assumption this race has regenerative properties much more advanced than what we've encountered before. John Doe may still be unconscious, hasn't moved yet or tried to make their consciousness known if they are awake. That's the short version, anyone else want to chime in?"

"I'd say that about sums it up." Kas actually appreciated that Rolfe had answered first. It had given him a little more time to process the information he'd just gotten from his latest assessment, not to mention Launceston's rather cryptic remarks. He would have to make sure to follow with her later about that. "We haven't got much to go on as far as comparison, obviously," he continued, "but everything seems to suggest the patient would be considered 'normal' for their species. There's been no evidence so far of genetic manipulation or technological enhancements."

"I see."

"He's afraid," Harlow offered quietly, her words clearly hesitant as she spoke, not even sure where the sentiment came from.

Temperance glanced at Harlow and raised an eyebrow. "It's possible he's coming to. He may find it quite overwhelming to have everyone huddled at his bedside. Captain, I would suggest we move our gathering to an office so we can speak freely without causing additional stress to our patient?"

"Good idea," Drell agreed. He motioned for the three physicians to join them, then set out back across the recovery ward toward the medical offices beyond. Things were coming together now, but they needed to make sure they tread carefully, lest they end up creating an even bigger problem for themselves by some misstep.


Captain Aviram Drell
Commanding Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Commander Temperance Zachary
Executive Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant Tess Phohl
Chief Security Officer
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant Harlow Launceston, MD
General Physician
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant JG Rojan Kas, MD
General Physician
USS Vesta (NX-94200)

Lieutenant JG Zerin Rolfe
Physician Assistant
USS Vesta (NX-94200)


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