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Posted on Sat Mar 6th, 2021 @ 7:38pm by Captain Aviram Drell & Lieutenant Azur Vaer & Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, 3rd Tribe of Bon-Hwa & Lieutenant Elijah Mitchell & Lieutenant Zachariah Hostetler & Commander Temperance Zachary & Ensign Naloh
Edited on on Sat Mar 6th, 2021 @ 7:49pm

Mission: Episode 04: "Tempest"
Location: Main Bridge, USS Vesta
Timeline: Day 1 at 0000

Drell emerged from the ready room to find the bridge a hub of activity. Alert klaxons wailed. Red indicator lights flashed. And several voices overlapped as various personnel exchanged information with each other, both in-person as well as with colleagues elsewhere aboard the ship. They were all trying to figure out what was going on.

"Report," the El-Aurian called, making his way toward the center of the room.

Lieutenant Vaer rose to his feet. He immediately stepped to one side, yielding the center chair as Drell approached, and began filling him in. "We're still trying to get a handle on the situation, captain," Vaer explained, "Sensors have detected a large atmospheric disturbance centered over the away team's location. It appeared within the last few minutes and has been getting stronger. On top of that, it's interfering with our ability to reach anyone on the surface."

"What else?"

The Trill glanced briefly toward Hafan, then back at the captain. "We've also identified multiple incoming contacts, sir," he continued, "...Tholians."

Drell quickly processed everything that had just been told to him. It was clear the situation on the surface was an immediate threat, particularly when it came to the physical safety of the team, and not being able to reach them only made it that much worse. At the same time, however, the fact that there were multiple Tholian vessels inbound was not inconsequential, either.

"Thank you, lieutenant," he said after a moment, "I have the bridge."

Zach hurried out of the turbolift, and onto the bridge. He took his station just as the announcement about the Tholians was being made.

"Where are the Tholians, Meh-zzz Hafan?"

“140 mark 20. Six Tholian vessels identified in formation, 10 minutes from us,” Hafan replied after a moment’s silence.

The news was not good. One Tholian vessel would have been enough, but six was a sign they meant business. Drell knew it wasn't unusual for Tholians to take an interest in what was going on near their borders, but the fact that they'd managed to get this close without the Vesta noticing seemed like added reason for concern.

"I need our away team back, now," Drell said, turning to his operations chief, "What have you got for me, Meh-zzz Hostetler?"

"Nothing good, Skipper. The storm is preventing just about every attempt to penetrate it."

Drell frowned. The storm was a curiosity unto itself and, were it not such an immediate threat to those down on the surface, worthy of further study. But time was running short. If they could not find a way to reach the away team before the Tholians arrived, the chances of being able to do so anytime soon would be slim to none. "Keep trying, lieutenant..."

"I've tried everything I can think of, the interference is just too great. I can't punch through."

"Open a channel to the Tholians."

At the captain's command, Naloh immediately set to work. Her hands moved swiftly across the surface of her console. Every so often, she would pause to enter a series of keystrokes, then move on. Once the communications systems had been activated, she turned and spoke over her shoulder. "Channel open, sir," she said.

"This is Captain Drell of the Federation starship Vesta," the El-Aurian said, facing toward the forward window, "Identify yourselves and state your purpose in this system."

Several seconds passed before the commlink crackled to life. A series of chirps and high-pitched screeches issued forth, the native language of the Tholians, followed by a single word: "Intruder."

Lieutenant Mitchell stepped out of the turbolift as the translation of the Tholian word came through. The red alert kalxon had already tied knots in the Diplomatic Officer's stomach, hearing the single menacing word from the Tholian only cause those knots to tighten. He wanted to step back into the turbolift and return to his office until the threat had passed, but right now his place was on the Bridge to advise the Captain as best he could. 'Let's hope that's good enough.' He mused grimly. The alternative didn't bear thinking about.

Hafan worked silently, researching Tholian vessels and tactics. Hope for peaceful resolve was his strongest thought, however his job dictated preparation for defensive action.

Ensign Marina stepped out of the turbolift just moments after Lieutenant Mitchell. She winced at the sound as she moved to one of the consoles, keying in an access code and starting her own scan of the surface,

"How ever we're going to resolve this Captain, we need to do it soon. With the changes on the surface I'm not sure how long the away team will be alive if we don't try and get to them soon. The storms are getting worse and it looks like the temperature on the surface is rapidly approaching freeze levels."

The young operations officer finished speaking just in time for the commlink to chirp and screech again the same single word once more falling ominously around them. "Intruder."


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