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Determined Spirits

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2022 @ 8:26pm by Captain Aviram Drell & Lieutenant Azur Vaer & Lieutenant Edron Zaerbe & Commander Sorek & Lieutenant Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Irwin Riley & Lieutenant Daisuke Hafan, 3rd Tribe of Bon-Hwa & Lieutenant Elijah Mitchell & Commander Temperance Zachary & Commander Frank Kamar jr.

Mission: Episode 05: "Deep Water"
Location: Bridge, USS Vesta
Timeline: Day 1 at 0742

ON: [[Bridge, USS Vesta, Mission Day 13, 0742 hours]]

Drell emerged from his ready room to find the bridge abuzz with activity. Voices overlapped, weaving together into a multi-layered chorus of sound. Some were talking back and forth to one another while others coordinated with various members of their departments elsewhere on the ship. Still others earnestly consulted with contacts on the station or on the ground.

For nearly two weeks, they had been working hard to prepare the Vesta and the six other vessels that would be accompanying them to carry out an important mission - rescue the exploratory group in the Delta Quadrant. Personnel had been transferred, systems had been overhauled, and various accommodations had been made. And yet, despite all the time that they'd been given, it had still come down to these final moments...these final preparations.

The El-Aurian took it all in. His gaze swept from one side of the room to the other, making note of those who were present. Eventually, it settled on the center chair and the woman occupying it. The two made eye contact. She smiled, rose to her feet, and greeted him as he approached.

Temperance stood up, offering a smile. "Captain on the bridge!" she stated, waiting until he was seated before taking a seat next to him.

A knowing smile was all Drell offered in reply. "Thank you, commander," he said, loudly enough for others to hear, "I have the bridge." Having fulfilled standard procedure, he lowered himself into the chair, then returned his attention to the woman now on his right. "So...where are we?"

"We are cleared for departure on your command Captain. All departments are reporting ready and waiting for departure, just waiting on your word." She paused, watching him for a moment. "This is it Captain Drell, the mission of a lifetime is waiting on your word," she said quietly before offering a smile. "Ready?"

The El-Aurian did not immediately reply. Even after their lengthy conversation the night before, his feelings about the mission were still not entirely clear to him. There were so many unknowns. Indeed, that was part of what made this assignment so appealing, and yet it also meant there were not always easy answers. "As ready as we'll ever be."

...and, with that, Drell turned his attention to the task at hand. Facing toward the front of the room, he addressed the operations chief. "Mister Kamar, confirm that all airlocks have been sealed and inform Starbase 48 that we are ready to depart."

"Aye Captain," Kamar said as he checked the sensor data on his display. A few moments later he radioed to the Starbase "Starbase 48, this is USS Vesta, we are secure and beginning the departure sequence."

"Release the docking clamps," Drell ordered, "Reverse thrusters at one-quarter, port and starboard thrusters at station-keeping."

"Aye, captain," Vaer responded, acknowledging the order. His fingers moved steadily, deliberately over the surface of his workstation, entering the sequence of commands. "Docking clamps released," he announced as soon as the indicator turned green. This was followed by another command sequence to activate the Vesta's maneuvering systems. "Reverse thrusters, one-quarter."

No sooner had the Trill spoken than the entire atmosphere seemed to change. A noticeable sensation swept through everyone in the room. Admittedly, it was hard to say for certain how much of this was actually the result of inertial dampeners engaging versus people's anticipation of the event. But, either way, the Vesta was moving. Through the forward window, the interior structures of the station began to recede as the ship slowly started to withdraw from its berth.

A subtle flutter of his ears, as Hafan's eyes darted between his consoles and the main view screen. The start of a voyage held significance for him, this one he told himself he'd remember as well as some of his other great journeys. Though none to the distance this one would bring. As he cataloged craft movement, he forwarded concerning tracks to flight operations to ensure they were aware.

Spencer Riley fidgeted in his seat at the science station. There wasn't really a reason for him to be on the bridge, and his work could be done from his office or in one of the main science labs. But there was just something about the start of a long journey. And besides, this would be his first time traveling by slipstream. He would have kicked himself if he had the opportunity to be on the bridge when they made the jump and had turned it down.

'Here we go' Frank thought to himself as the planet and Starbase began to recede back to Delta, he wondered if there were any other crew aboard who had traveled via the Graviton Catapult and the new Path project that was in the works. He dialed his thoughts back and continued to monitor the sensors and ship systems, so far everything looked good.


Deep in the realm of Engineering, Cordale was watching his department move with a purpose. The reactor was humming, all fusion plants were reporting full operational status, power conduits were lit up on the board, green all the way. The all clear was given several hours ago, and his rented expert on the Quantum Sl... whatever it was, was reporting that it was fully operational and ready to go. Truth be told, he hated that damn thing, but it was going to save lives. For that, he tolerated it.

He knew how it worked. He just wanted an expert on board who knew how it worked MORE...

"All indicators green, chief," Zaerbe said. The Ekosian was seated at one of the main engineering workstations that faced towards the warp core. However, his attention was not focused on this, but rather elsewhere on the slipstream drive itself. "Keep an eye on those levels, Mortimer," he called out to another engineer across the room, "We don't want them spiking when we make the switch."

The latest addition to the roster gave a nod, "Y.. Yes sir." oh boy, this was it. This was for real. The ensign kept his eyes on the engineering power relay loadout, like his life depended on it. Though, act casual.


On the bridge, those who were watching the ship's progress caught their first sight outside of the station. At first, these were only thin slivers at the very edges of the forward window, but they quickly grew larger. Soon, the Vesta had pulled back far enough they could see the entirety of Starbase 48 (and its surrounding structures) orbiting high above Cestus III.

Sorek stepped off one of the turbolifts and moved to one side. It was something he'd learned from a previous Captain - a journey is often best started by seeing it unfold in person. And in a way, it would mark the last time they would see familiar sights for some time. Slightly illogical, perhaps, but Sorek was indulging a little bit.

Temperance drew a deep breath, leaning back in her chair, watching as their departure unfolded, the ship moving away from the Starbase, the view in front of them ever changing. "A small body of determined Spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history," she said softly.

Frank glanced at the viewscreen and watched the last edges of the Starbase slide from view, "Forward, into the stars" he mumbled to himself as he looked back at the display on his station. "So far so good, all systems operating within acceptable parameters" he reported.

Pacing back and forth by the aft port door, Lieutenant Mitchell watched everything unfold. Despite not feeling like he belonged there, like he wasn't wanted, he couldn't stay away. This was a momentous moment for everyone onboard and he wanted to be on the bridge as they departed, to be a witness to history.

Turning in her seat, Temperance smiled at Lieutenant Mitchell. "You'll wear the carpet before we even get out of the solar system," she teased gently. "There are open consoles Lieutenant, why don't you take a seat and enjoy the show?"

"Sorry ma'am." Mitchell replied sheepishly as he came to a halt. Instead of taking the XO up on her offer of one of the free consoles, he found a space beside one of the aft doors and leaned against the bulkhead, trying to make himself as invisible as possible.

Turning back toward Drell, Temperance offered a smile. "Captain, we're clear of the Starbase, ready to go on your orders."

"Thank you, Number One." Satisfied that everything was ready, the El-Aurian directed his attention to the next task at hand. "Drell to all ships," he said, addressing the convoy as a whole, "prepare to jump to slipstream velocity on my mark..." Silence as everyone waited for what would come next. He paused and looked out through the forward viewport one last time, letting the moment stretch on toward infinity. Then, he brought himself back, and spoke the word: "Engage."

...and with that, the journey had begun.



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